Income tax (credit)/expense
12 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2024
Alps Global Holding Berhad [Member]  
IfrsStatementLineItems [Line Items]  
Income tax (credit)/expense


26. Income tax (credit)/expense


 Schedule of income tax (credit)/ expense

   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
Estimated tax payable:          
Current financial year   -    30,471 
Under provision in prior financial years   -    118,113 
Estimated tax payable   -    148,584 
Deferred tax (Note 20):          
Current financial year   (7,414)   689 
Over provision in prior financial years   -    (1,471)
Deferred tax   (7,414)   (782)
Income tax credit/(expense)   (7,414)   147,802 


A reconciliation of income tax credit applicable to loss before tax at the applicable statutory income tax rate to income tax expense at the effective income tax rate of the Group is as follows:


 Schedule of reconciliation of income tax credit

   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
Loss before tax   (2,398,575)   (582,060)
Less: Share result of associates   (3,421)   (1,635)
Loss before tax after associates share   (2,401,996)   (583,695)
Taxation at statutory rate of 24% (2023: 24%)   (576,479)   (140,087)
Tax effects of:          
Non-taxable income   -    (1,089)
Expenses not deductible   141,877    103,623 
Utilisation of deferred tax assets previously not recognised   (109,818)   (128,509)
Deferred tax assets not recognised   537,006    197,222 
Under/(Over) provision in prior financial years:          
Estimated tax payable   -    118,113 
Deferred tax   -    (1,471)
Income tax credit/(expense)   (7,414)   147,802 


At the end of the reporting period, the estimated amount of deductible temporary differences, unabsorbed capital allowances and unutilised tax losses of the Group, for which the deferred tax assets have not been recognised in the financial statements due to uncertainty of their realisation, is as follows:


 Schedule of estimated amount of temporary differences

   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
Temporary differences arising from:          
Property, plant and equipment   (915,782)   (779,847)
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities   11,878    33,756 
Unabsorbed capital allowances   844,381    1,066,649 
Unutilised tax losses   5,845,739    3,228,133 
Temporary differences   5,786,216    3,548,691 



26. Income tax (credit)/expense (Cont’d)


At the end of the reporting period, the Group has deductible temporary differences, unabsorbed capital allowances and unutilised tax losses that are available for offsetting against future taxable profits, subject to the agreement with the tax authorities.


Expiry date of the unutilised tax losses is summarised below:


 Schedule of unutilised tax losses

   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
Year of assessment:          
2028   -    231,643 
2029   21,403    229,885 
2030   533,347    594,916 
2031   1,025,589    1,070,286 
2032   567,525    592,259 
2033   487,881    509,144 
2034   3,209,994    - 
Unutilised tax losses   5,845,739    3,228,133