12 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2024
Alps Global Holding Berhad [Member]  
IfrsStatementLineItems [Line Items]  


Investment in Cilo Cybin


On 6 February 2024, the Group had subscribed for 28,762,252 of ordinary shares in Cilo Cybin Holdings Limited (the “Cilo Cybin”) (for an aggregate of 57,524,504 ordinary shares) at a price of ZAR 0.90 per share. As a result, the Group hold a 40.5% stake in the Cilo Cybin.


Summarised financial information of Cilo Cybin is set out below. The summarised financial information represents the amount in the financial statements of the associate and not the Group’s share of those amounts.

Schedule of financial information represents the amount in the financial statements

   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
Statement of financial position          
Current assets, representing total assets   3,354,690       - 
Current liabilities, representing total liabilities   (593,538)   - 
Net assets of the associate   2,761,152    - 
Statement of comprehensive income          
Profit for the financial period   21,809    - 
Share of profit of the associate   8,742    - 


Reconciliation of the above summarised financial information to the carrying amount of the interest in associate recognised in the consolidated financial statements:

Schedule of financial information represents the amount in the financial statements

   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
Proportion of net assets of the associate   1,118,421       - 
Exchange differences   (154)   - 
Carrying amount of the Group’s interest in associate   1,118,267    - 


10. Inventories


   2024   2023 
   USD   USD 
At cost:          
Chemical reagents and products   188,400    210,269 
Medical substances and chemical stocks   49,854    72,264 
Trading at cost   238,254    282,533 
Beauty and healthcare product   82,545    46,040 
Stem cells   43,338    88,836 
Inventories   364,137    417,409 


The cost of inventories recognised by the Group as an expense during the financial year is USD833,774 (2023: USD916,761).