Washington, D.C. 20549







Investment Company Act file number 811-22990



Pomona Investment Fund


(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


780 Third Avenue, 46th Floor

New York, NY 10017


(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


Michael D. Granoff

Pomona Management LLC

780 Third Avenue, 46th Floor

New York, NY 10017


(Name and address of agent for service)


registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (212) 593-3639



Date of fiscal year end: March 31



Date of reporting period: April 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024



Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.


A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507. 





(a)The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.




Table of Contents



Consolidated Schedule of Investments 1
Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities 10
Consolidated Statement of Operations 11
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets 12
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 14
Consolidated Financial Highlights 15
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 17
Additional Information 27



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Direct Investments/Co-Investments (1.57%)           
Blue Owl GP Stakes Nimbus Cayman (B) LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/10/2021  $9,242,032 
Blue Owl GP Stakes Nimbus U.S. (A) LLC⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/10/2021   1,832,424 
BSV Opportunities B, FCRE⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/16/2021   4,473,940 
Investcorp Aspen Offshore Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  Rest of World  07/01/2019   10,931,930 
Roark Capital Partners II Sidecar LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  10/18/2018   1,783,341 
Total Direct Investments/Co-Investments         28,263,667 
Primary Investments (3.93%)           
ABS Capital Partners IX, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/15/2024   540,261 
Accel-KKR Capital Partners VII LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/16/2022   (131,008)
Accel-KKR Growth Capital Partners IV LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/17/2021   1,174,300 
Apax XI USD L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  10/19/2023   1,081,428 
Berkshire Fund X-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/22/2020   7,852,145 
Blue Owl GP Stakes V Offshore Investors LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/20/2021   3,679,836 
BPEA EQT Mid-Market Growth Partnership, SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/07/2023   107,487 
CB Offshore Equity Fund X, Limited Partnership⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  11/20/2020   3,614,984 
Clearlake Capital Partners VII (USTE), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/17/2021   3,216,368 
Genstar Capital Partners X, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/01/2021   5,181,261 
Genstar Capital Partners XI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/26/2023   263,419 
Green Equity Investors Side IX, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/01/2022   1,657,144 
Hellman & Friedman Capital Partners IX (Parallel), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/28/2018   2,967,784 
Hellman & Friedman Capital Partners X (Parallel), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  05/10/2021   4,244,047 
Hellman & Friedman Capital Partners XI (Parallel), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/16/2022   - 
HighVista Private Equity VIII (Offshore), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  04/11/2019   3,457,378 
Norwest Mezzanine Partners V-A, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2023   803,418 
Roark Capital Partners V (TE) LP⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  04/30/2018   7,079,615 
Roark Capital Partners VI (TE) LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  01/28/2022   3,605,392 
TA XIV-B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  05/27/2021   4,670,841 
TA XV-B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/27/2023   (39,588)
The Veritas Capital Fund VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  10/10/2019   4,072,260 
The Veritas Capital Fund VIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/16/2022   6,116,197 
Thoma Bravo Explore Fund II-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  02/03/2022   - 
Thoma Bravo Fund XV-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  02/03/2022   4,282,901 
Vista Equity Partners Fund VIII-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/27/2022   1,026,765 
Total Primary Investments         70,524,635 
Seasoned Primary Investments (4.54%)           
Aerospace, Transportation and Logistics Fund II LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2019   2,665,591 
Avista Healthcare Partners (Offshore) I, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/01/2017   129,024 
Gryphon Odin CV-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/05/2024   2,030,165 
Gryphon Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/08/2016   3,450,520 
Gryphon Partners VI-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/17/2021   7,663,786 
Halifax Capital Partners V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2023   657,037 
Insight Partners (Cayman) XII Buyout Annex Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  10/26/2021   5,857,669 
Ironsides Offshore Direct Investment Fund V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   4,303,077 
L Catterton IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  03/09/2021   7,323,309 
Merit Mezzanine Fund VI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/02/2018   1,848,245 
NB Credit Opportunities II Cayman Feeder LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2023   14,619,409 
OceanSound Partners Fund, LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  01/31/2022   8,206,870 
OceanSound SMX Rollover AIV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/26/2024   2,221,566 
Providence Equity Partners IX-A S.C.Sp.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  10/05/2023   3,645,779 
Sorenson Capital Partners IV-B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  01/11/2022   5,740,220 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 1



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Seasoned Primary Investments (4.54%) (Continued)           
Valeas Capital Partners Fund I-A LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024  $8,530,164 
VSS Structured Capital Parallel III, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  01/26/2018   2,681,217 
Total Seasoned Primary Investments         81,573,648 
Secondary Investments (75.12%)           
A10 USD (Feeder) L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   1,243,652 
A9 EUR (Feeder) L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  10/19/2023   10,250,962 
A9 USD (Feeder) L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  10/19/2023   3,516,476 
ABRY Partners IX, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   2,759,071 
ABRY Senior Equity V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,917,833 
ABS Capital Partners VII Offshore, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  10/01/2023   3,174,047 
ABS Capital Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  10/01/2023   8,166,259 
Accel-KKR Capital Partners CV III, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   5,719,575 
Actis Energy 5 LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/30/2023   318,000 
Advent International GPE VI-A Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   137,878 
Advent International GPE VII-B Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   408,638 
Advent International GPE VIII-B-2 Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   2,283,707 
Advent International GPE VIII-C Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   1,663,932 
AEA EXC CF LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  08/12/2022   11,839,986 
Alpha Private Equity Fund 7 (SCA) SICAR⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/28/2024   23,793,171 
American Industrial Partners Fund IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   1,159,221 
American Securities Partners VI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   2,344,052 
American Securities Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022   23,456,600 
AP VIII Private Investors Offshore (USD), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  06/30/2017   22,784 
AP VIII Private Investors, LLC⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  06/28/2019   453,389 
Apax Europe VI - A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/30/2016   148,869 
Apax Europe VII - B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  03/31/2021   37,465 
Apax IX USD L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  10/19/2023   15,314,610 
Apollo Investment Fund VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   63,595 
Archer Capital Trust 5B⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Rest of World  03/28/2024   999,173 
Artiman Ventures III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   732,957 
Astorg Normec Fund⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  09/24/2024   578,551 
Astorg VI SLP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/31/2022   1,827,838 
Astorg VII SLP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/31/2022   9,612,693 
Atlas Capital Resources LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   360,092 
Audax Mezzanine Fund III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  09/30/2016   636,841 
Audax Private Equity Aspen CF, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  03/24/2022   7,829,849 
Audax Private Equity Fund III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  09/30/2015   125,987 
Audax Private Equity Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   1,638 
Avista Healthcare Partners, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   - 
Bain Capital Asia Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   1,126,997 
Bain Capital Asia Fund III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2023   3,575,496 
Bain Capital Distressed and Special Situations 2013 (E), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   20,945 
Bain Capital Empire Holdings, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/21/2022   17,422,987 
Bain Capital Europe Fund III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2016   175,146 
Bain Capital Europe Fund V, SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   1,929,507 
Bain Capital Fund VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/29/2017   3,817,285 
Bain Capital Fund X, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2015   3,510,095 
Bain Capital Fund XI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   2,907,088 
Bain Capital Fund XII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,209,262 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 2



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Secondary Investments (75.12%) (Continued)           
Bain Capital VII Coinvestment Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/29/2017  $50,328 
Barley (No.1) Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  04/25/2024   175,165 
BC Asia III Private Investors, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2020   1,842,661 
BC Europe IV Private Investors, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2020   787,061 
BC European Capital IX-8 LP⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/31/2020   706,522 
BC European Capital X-2 LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   16,284,956 
BC European Capital X-7 LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   1,248,513 
BC Life Sciences Private Investors, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2020   763,481 
BC Partners XI GD - 2 LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   14,425,782 
BC XI Private Investor, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/10/2020   1,744,365 
BC XII Private Investors, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  04/10/2020   4,045,553 
BCP V-S L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   (96)
Berkshire Fund IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/03/2021   15,874,966 
Berkshire Fund VI, Limited Partnership⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   1,639,958 
Berkshire Fund VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   577,469 
Berkshire Fund VIII (IND), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/03/2021   2,727,226 
Berkshire Fund X-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   710,068 
Blackstone Capital Partners V L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   3,137 
Blackstone Capital Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   551,397 
Blackstone Capital Partners VIII (Lux), SCSp⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   461,232 
Blue Owl GP Stakes US Investors LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   1,288,266 
Bowmark Capital Partners V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/30/2023   1,170,535 
BPEA Private Equity Fund VI, L.P.1⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/30/2023   3,919,895 
Brentwood Associates Private Equity V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/29/2023   5,776,971 
Bridgepoint Europe IV 'A' L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   886,878 
Bridgepoint Europe IV 'E' L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/31/2021   205,541 
Bridgepoint Europe Portfolio IV LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   381,476 
Capvis Equity IV L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/28/2024   6,356,300 
Capvis Equity V L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/28/2024   20,901,375 
Carlyle Credit Opportunities Fund (Parallel), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2023   1,669,809 
Carlyle Europe Partners V - EU, S.C.Sp.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   745,400 
Carlyle Partners V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   70,595 
Carlyle Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   18,076,932 
Carlyle Partners VIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   4,385,240 
Carlyle US Equity Opportunity Fund II, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2022   1,978,924 
CCP Climb LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  05/03/2023   21,123,095 
CCP Strider LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  10/10/2022   21,312,390 
CD&R Value Building Partners I, L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/02/2021   13,316,178 
CDRF8 Private Investors, LLC⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2017   6,085 
Centerbridge Seaport Acquisition Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/27/2022   10,600,000 
Cerberus Institutional Partners, L.P. - Series Four⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2016   46,871 
Charlesbank Equity Fund IX, Limited Partnership⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   4,237,382 
Charlesbank Equity Fund VIII, Limited Partnership⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   4,612,287 
Charlesbank Equity Fund X, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   4,518,730 
Charterhouse Capital Partners IX⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  12/31/2021   22,270 
CHP III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   47,725 
CI Capital Investors II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   7,869 
CI Capital Investors III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   28,889,736 
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Fund IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2022   3,130,874 
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Fund X, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,010,734 
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Fund XI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2022   3,277,566 
Clearlake Capital Partners III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2022   269,739 
Clearlake Capital Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   2,225,357 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 3



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Secondary Investments (75.12%) (Continued)           
Clearlake Capital Partners V (Offshore), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022  $567,963 
Clearlake Capital Partners V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2022   21,647,070 
Clearlake Capital Partners VI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2022   2,278,315 
Clearlake Opportunities Partners (P-Offshore), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   766,933 
Coller International Partners VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  12/31/2021   177,019 
Comvest Capital II International (Cayman), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/29/2018   42,627 
Comvest Capital III International (Cayman), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/29/2018   246,411 
Court Square Capital Partners (Offshore) III, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   856,540 
Crestview Partners II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   1,001,658 
CSHC Investment Aggregator, LLC⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   5,023,000 
CVC Capital Partners VI (A) L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  12/29/2023   3,919,912 
CVC Capital Partners VI (B) L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  12/30/2022   13,228,741 
CVC Capital Partners VII (A) L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  08/15/2022   3,371,957 
CVC European Equity Partners V (A) L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  12/30/2022   284,641 
CVC European Equity Partners V (C) L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/31/2023   316,541 
DCM IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   70,218 
DCM V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   52,675 
DCM VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   199,635 
Endless Fund IV A LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/28/2024   4,869,424 
EQT IX (No.2) EUR SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   1,764,950 
EQT VII (No.1) Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/31/2020   670,129 
EQT VIII (No.1) SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/31/2020   1,319,675 
EQT VIII (No.2) SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   1,166,505 
Equistone Partners Europe Fund IV "E" L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  12/31/2021   254,144 
Fifth Cinven Fund (No.3) Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾  Europe  12/31/2021   2,276,260 
Five Arrows Florence Continuation Fund SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  05/05/2022   10,296,540 
Francisco Partners II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   3,305 
Frontenac XI Private Capital (M) Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  07/24/2023   5,984,312 
FSN Capital IV L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/31/2019   48,112 
General Atlantic Investment Partners 2013, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   1,881,295 
Genstar Capital Partners V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   6,901 
Genstar Capital Partners VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   190,758 
Genstar Capital Partners VII (EU), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   743,777 
Genstar Capital Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   6,477,931 
Genstar Capital Partners VIII BL (EU), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   2,661,267 
Genstar VIII Opportunities Fund I (EU), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   1,477,071 
GESD Investors II Liquidating Trust⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   24,565 
Great Hill Equity Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   1,785,537 
Green Equity Investors CF II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  11/30/2021   1,890,250 
Green Equity Investors CF, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/26/2021   2,568,567 
Green Equity Investors Side VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   5,163,655 
Green Equity Investors V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   28,823 
Green Equity Investors VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2022   4,127,746 
Green Equity Investors VII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   758,317 
Green Equity Investors VIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,337,679 
Gridiron Capital Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   605,234 
Gridiron Energy Feeder I, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  05/10/2017   2,235,544 
Gryphon Co-Invest Fund IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   169,111 
Gryphon Heritage Partners, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   5,641,479 
Gryphon Mezzanine Partners II, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022   14,634,047 
Gryphon Mezzanine Partners, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022   1,456,853 
Gryphon Odin CV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/05/2024   4,736,578 
Gryphon Partners 3.5, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   23,061 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 4



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Secondary Investments (75.12%) (Continued)           
Gryphon Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2020  $9,908,291 
Gryphon Partners V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   21,643,958 
Gryphon Partners V-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   2,488,457 
Gryphon Partners VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   17,967,573 
GS Capital Partners VI Parallel, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   19,302 
GSO Capital Opportunities Overseas Fund L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/30/2015   64,281 
GSO Private Investors Offshore II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2017   40,923 
H&F Arrow 2, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  08/28/2020   2,863,489 
H&F Clyde 2, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  02/16/2024   1,911,566 
H&F Executives IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/30/2020   3,703,965 
H&F Executives VIII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/30/2020   2,852,790 
H.I.G. Advantage Buyout Fund, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   21,291,789 
H.I.G. Bayside Debt & LBO Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   977,345 
H.I.G. Bayside Loan Opportunity Cayman Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   10,568 
H.I.G. Capital Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   168,566 
H.I.G. Capital Partners V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2023   5,913,097 
H.I.G. Growth Buyouts & Equity Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   2,786,325 
Halifax Capital Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   12,786,000 
Hamilton Lane-Carpenters Partnership Fund IV L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   14,662,780 
Hamilton Lane-Carpenters Partnership Fund V L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   8,467,553 
Harvest Partners Structured Capital Fund II, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022   29,329,018 
Harvest Partners Structured Capital Fund III, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022   17,667,411 
Harvest Partners Structured Capital Fund, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2022   7,054,803 
HCI Equity Partners EV I, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/09/2024   1,147,743 
HCI Equity Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,153,044 
Hellman & Friedman Capital Partners VII (Parallel), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/28/2019   478,044 
Hellman & Friedman Capital Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   665,780 
HFCP VII (Parallel-A), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/30/2021   170,389 
Hg Genesis 7 C L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/31/2023   514,060 
Hg Genesis 7 E L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/30/2023   746,812 
Hildred Perennial Partners I, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  11/22/2023   32,272,926 
HPE Continuation Fund I C.V.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  05/27/2021   3,357,990 
Icon Partners II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  03/27/2021   267,544 
Icon Partners III, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  04/13/2021   5,953 
Insight Equity I LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   (903)
Insight Equity II LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   1,191,910 
Insight Partners Continuation Fund, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  08/14/2019   8,738,056 
Insight Venture Partners (Cayman) IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2019   2,305,784 
Insight Venture Partners (Cayman) VIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2019   2,002,968 
Insight Venture Partners (Cayman) X, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   4,888,722 
Insight Venture Partners Coinvestment Fund (Delaware) III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2019   301,809 
Insight Venture Partners Coinvestment Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   919,602 
Insight Venture Partners Coinvestment Fund III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   148,954 
Insight Venture Partners Growth-Buyout Coinvestment Fund (Cayman), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2019   800,340 
Insight Venture Partners Growth-Buyout Coinvestment Fund, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2019   50,111 
Insight Venture Partners IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2019   59,266 
Insight Venture Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   1,712,251 
Insight Venture Partners VIII (Co-Investors), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   240,553 
Insight Venture Partners VIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   3,046,516 
Kelso Investment Associates IX, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   1,976,952 
Kelso Investment Associates VIII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   39,942 
KKR Americas Fund XII L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   4,997,692 
KKR China Growth Fund L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   107,332 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 5



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Secondary Investments (75.12%) (Continued)           
KKR European Fund V (USD) SCSp⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024  $1,157,903 
KKR North America Fund XI L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   4,566,101 
Lee Equity Partners Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   8,500,000 
Lightspeed Venture Partners IX, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   2,817,390 
Lion/Simba Investors, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/21/2020   5,499,856 
Littlejohn Fund IV, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2015   903,617 
Littlejohn Fund V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/29/2023   3,724,777 
Lovell Minnick Equity Partners III LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   311,469 
Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VI-C, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   2,183 
Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VII⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   6,259,744 
Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VIII-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,937,632 
Marlin Equity III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   35,437 
MDCP Insurance SPV, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  05/09/2023   2,966,074 
Mid Europa Fund V LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   701,771 
Montagu+ SCSp⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  11/10/2021   14,696,299 
Montreux Equity Partners IV, L.P.  North America  09/29/2017   43,637 
MPE Partners II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2019   1,628,486 
MSouth Equity Partners II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   4,764 
Nautic Partners VI-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   5,562 
NB SPV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  08/27/2021   5,905,631 
New Capital Partners Private Equity Fund II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   2,191,767 
New Enterprise Associates 12, Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   16,553 
New Mountain Partners III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   91,648 
New Mountain Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2023   1,097,753 
New Mountain Partners V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2023   5,887,809 
NewView Capital Fund I, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  10/31/2018   4,711,916 
North Bridge Growth Equity II, L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2020   5,518,958 
Norwest Mezzanine Partners III, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2023   1,550,169 
Norwest Mezzanine Partners IV⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2023   51,598,102 
Oak Investment Partners XII, Limited Partnership⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  03/29/2019   1,210 
Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX (Cayman), L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   1,556,672 
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII (Cayman) Ltd.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   4,378 
Oaktree Private Investment Fund 2010, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   29,436 
Odyssey Investment Partners Fund V, LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2023   4,005,386 
Onex Partners IV LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   3,076,009 
PAI Strategic Partnerships SCSp⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/28/2024   22,433,174 
Paladin III (HR), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   93,705 
Pamlico Capital III Continuation Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  01/27/2023   11,296,483 
Parthenon Investors III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   985,142 
Pegasus WSJLL Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/13/2021   10,182,155 
PEP VIII Antares Co-Investment L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   9,480,809 
Permira IV Feeder L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  04/23/2020   9,053,719 
Platinum Equity Capital Partners II⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   43,033 
PRO SPV, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  08/27/2021   3,303,759 
Providence Equity Offshore Partners IV L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/30/2016   17,368 
Providence Equity Partners (Unity) S.C.SP.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  05/31/2024   1,532,532 
Providence Equity Partners V L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/30/2016   31,969 
Providence Equity Partners VI L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2016   79,298 
Providence Equity Partners VII L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   5,716,710 
Providence Equity Partners VII-A L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2023   16,371,276 
Providence Equity Partners VIII L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   16,755,823 
PT2-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/16/2021   8,707,947 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 6



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Secondary Investments (75.12%) (Continued)           
PTEV-A, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/30/2021  $4,858,837 
RC III CKE LLC⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2023   5,243,961 
RCF V Annex Fund L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Rest of World  06/30/2021   2,084 
Resource Capital Fund V L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Rest of World  06/30/2021   70,683 
Riverside Capital Appreciation Fund V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   109,239 
Roark Capital Partners CF LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  05/11/2022   8,921,075 
Roark Capital Partners CF RI LP⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  08/26/2022   994,752 
Roark Capital Partners II LP⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/29/2018   174,469 
Roark Capital Partners III LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/29/2018   4,509,382 
Roark Capital Partners IV LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/29/2018   29,942,853 
Roark Capital Partners V (T) LP⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/29/2023   4,673,516 
Samson Brunello 1, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   769,121 
Samson Brunello 2, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  02/19/2021   2,167,877 
Samson Hockey 2, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  12/23/2020   1,738,743 
Samson Shield 1, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/28/2024   1,037,014 
Samson Shield 2, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  12/23/2020   5,528,983 
Saw Mill Capital Partners, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   125,945 
Seidler Equity Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2021   1,035,731 
Silver Lake Partners III, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   103,104 
Silver Lake Partners V, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2020   2,356,983 
Sixth Cinven Fund (No. 2) Limited Partnership⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  12/30/2022   1,452,174 
Sixth Cinven Fund (No. 4) Limited Partnership⁽ᶠ⁾  Europe  06/30/2019   1,925,562 
Sixth Street Opportunities Partners III (B), L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/30/2015   16,547 
SL SPV-2, L.P.  North America  02/14/2019   772,244 
Sorenson Capital Partners III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   14,368,909 
Sterling Capital Partners IV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   428,185 
Summit Partners Growth Equity Fund VIII-B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   583,379 
Summit Partners Private Equity Fund VII-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   184,909 
Sun Capital Partners IV, LP⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   71,909 
Sun Capital Partners V, L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2018   78,842 
SunTx Capital Partners II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   4,517,758 
TA Atlantic and Pacific VI L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  03/31/2021   28,938 
TA XI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   297,075 
TA XII-A, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   4,243,223 
Tennenbaum Opportunities Fund V, LLC⁽ᵈ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   62,074 
The Resolute III Continuation Fund, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/27/2024   26,209,437 
The Veritas Capital Fund V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2019   6,371,886 
The Veritas Capital Fund VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   4,746,314 
Thoma Bravo Fund XII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   7,153,940 
Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   349,737 
Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund VIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   566,744 
Thomas H. Lee Parallel (Cayman) Fund VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  06/29/2018   1,706,220 
TowerBrook Investors III, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   15,181 
TPF II-A, LP⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   10,701 
TPG Asia VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   5,608,566 
TPG Growth III (A), L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2019   1,967,754 
TPG Partners V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   2,865 
TPG Partners VI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   146,297 
TPG Partners VII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,128,573 
TPG Partners VIII, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   3,401,675 
TPG STAR, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   99,465 
Trident VI, L.P.⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2023   3,361,372 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 7



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


Private Equity Investments (85.17%)⁽ᵅ⁾⁽ᵇ⁾ (Continued)  Geographic
  Fair Value 
Secondary Investments (75.12%) (Continued)           
Triton Fund III L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  03/31/2021  $220,049 
Triton Fund IV L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  Europe  06/30/2023   28,752,129 
Vista Equity Partners Fund V, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2018   13,903,367 
Vista Equity Partners Fund VI, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   1,169,992 
Vista Equity Partners Fund VII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   866,777 
Warburg Pincus Global Growth, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2022   8,502,781 
Warburg Pincus Private Equity XI, L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  12/31/2021   3,254,472 
Warburg Pincus Private Equity XI-B, L.P.⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   2,617,488 
Warburg Pincus Private Equity XII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/30/2022   5,976,013 
Warburg Pincus Private Equity XII-B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/31/2022   3,943,876 
WCAS XIII, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  03/28/2024   573,002 
Webster Equity Partners Bristol CF, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  10/15/2021   11,227,937 
Wind Point Partners AAV, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  06/29/2021   656,271 
Wind Point Partners VII-B, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾  North America  09/29/2017   125,677 
WP AUSA, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  07/22/2019   8,252,113 
ZMC II, L.P.⁽ᵈ⁾⁽ᶠ⁾⁽ᵍ⁾  North America  09/30/2024   1,552,981 
Total Secondary Investments         1,348,830,951 
Total Private Equity Investments (Cost $1,345,270,440)        $1,529,192,901 


Short-Term Investments (24.05%)  Fair Value 
Money Market Funds (24.05%)     
Fidelity Government Portfolio, Class I, 4.78%(e)   430,052,967 
JPMorgan US Government Money Market Fund, 4.67%(e)   1,838,171 
Total Money Market Funds   431,891,138 
Total Short-Term Investments (Cost $431,891,138)  $431,891,138 
Total Investments (109.23%) (Cost $1,777,161,578)  $1,961,084,039 
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (-9.23%)   (165,611,443)
Net Assets (100.00%)  $1,795,472,596 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 8



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Schedule of Investments


  September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)(Continued)


(a)Private Equity Investments are generally offered in private placement transactions and as such are illiquid and generally restricted as to resale. Total cost and fair value of illiquid and restricted securities as of September 30, 2024 was $1,345,270,440 and $1,529,192,901, respectively. The total fair value as a percentage of net assets of Private Equity investments that are restricted securities is 85.17%.

(b)Pomona Investment Fund ordinarily acquires portfolios of investments that are comprised of interests in multiple private equity funds (rather than single interests in such funds) and pays a single purchase price for each such portfolio. As a result, the specific acquisition cost allocated to each Private Equity Investment does not necessarily reflect the actual cost of each such investment. The information regarding the Private Equity Investments, as listed in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments above, has not been prepared, reviewed or approved by any such Private Equity Fund or any general partner, manager or sponsor of such Private Equity Investments or any of their respective affiliates. As of September 30, 2024, the aggregate cost of each investment restricted to resale was: $2,945,952, $4,120,070, $8,462,663, $4,217,239, $927,143, $594,884, $0, $1,178,493, $1,017,977, $7,365,645, $4,723,011, $108,862, $2,863,981, $2,884,771, $4,736,915, $201,007, $1,435,514, $1,899,358, $3,605,351, $0, $2,352,754, $894,731, $4,474,283, $2,510,258, $4,710,200, $0, $2,867,128, $5,320,327, $0, $3,414,904, $859,982, $2,062,701, $311,266, $1,743,306, $2,509,776, $7,498,115, $454,410, $4,525,000, $2,687,680, $6,329,007, $2,090,476, $13,322,215, $6,192,962, $2,252,465, $3,480,570, $5,095,076, $0, $2,966,546, $754,317, $9,309,551, $3,338,490, $2,129,902, $1,546,673, $2,095,435, $5,387,272, $3,820,525, $364,444, $41,815, $1,645,522, $2,519,799, $1,353,340, $12,090,582, $21,760,019, $1,080,739, $1,902,206, $25,908,305, $154,778, $1,747,198, $418,681, $20,004, $14,543,530, $207,218, $792,174, $547,290, $583,596, $3,206,778, $6,826,839, $1,196,347, $1,466,080, $7,370,000, $2,308,026, $2,154, $401,115, $1,628,666, $2,429,540, $0, $16,967,972, $962,325, $1,486,700, $5,488,774, $5,457,779, $1,985,281, $877,773, $49,422, $170,194, $149,691, $631,055, $1,461,570, $14,095,924, $1,083,845, $258,515, $11,406,052, $1,022,947, $1,711,855, $47,896, $11,994,196, $4,980,669, $1,215,917, $6,082,203, $496,574, $445,286, $415,259, $381,085, $1,292,965, $1,067,849, $4,647,854, $4,239,154, $838,302, $127,495, $401,036, $5,525,503, $17,320,897, $1,314,785, $671,553, $53,331, $15,783,030, $3,951,986, $1,771,707, $17,477,759, $15,545,080, $9,959,106, $229,064, $9,051,479, $705,196, $2,644,712, $3,618,614, $3,682,322, $0, $215,716, $21,757, $18,330,395, $4,242,963, $698,812, $2,809,263, $192,191, $2,496,333, $494,336, $22,504,567, $2,108,640, $697,565, $318,530, $151,461, $1,611,792, $674,399, $778,064, $5,283,884, $3,178,231, $11,977,106, $2,505,868, $212,127, $235,566, $120,975, $1,177,767, $1,582,190, $4,569,880, $1,245,094, $821,812, $1,187,932, $901,174, $496,116, $2,369,386, $8,320,375, $112,071, $4,342,764, $127,519, $1,929,090, $212,384, $1,309,870, $738,832, $5,720,521, $1,519,739, $1,038,000, $13,778, $1,429,956, $1,185,423, $3,369,690, $3,899,217, $3,144,333, $2,985,610, $703,215, $907,114, $1,889,628, $1,419,606, $294,786, $4,449,359, $13,046,700, $1,452,332, $4,067,307, $163,282, $9,800,185, $18,437,405, $2,126,415, $16,152,144, $16,951, $261,086, $203,075, $1,234,810, $1,736,074, $2,293,681, $1,495,976, $18,722,990, $893,122, $0, $1,701,384, $5,541,656, $2,203,475, $10,656,359, $12,913,951, $6,913,880, $23,062,591, $14,916,522, $11,270,959, $1,154,353, $1,984,266, $7,713,928, $763,530, $913,751, $475,927, $791,017, $21,743,603, $3,460,423, $184,439, $3,917,088, $157,636, $1,819,324, $4,739,329, $1,533,279, $1,340,088, $2,934,480, $329,763, $560,617, $136,347, $697,309, $43,488, $39,051, $1,612,660, $168,084, $2,113,308, $1,254,003, $629,587, $3,739,816, $0, $947,269, $3,608,895, $8,657,296, $2,063,549, $3,091,835, $2,013,445, $2,684,469, $777,423, $193,609, $5,991,726, $1,461,156, $29,533, $2,002,423, $398,775, $7,761,422, $339,516, $0, $904,846, $25,903, $5,000,000, $1,967,629, $88,504, $1,040,174, $1,264,276, $4,313,314, $3,341,687, $7,600,706, $1,486,044, $33,340,053, $166,027, $431,619, $837, $45,196, $4,612,243, $2,743,935, $20,971,596, $15,536, $7,695,962, $512,940, $8,734,633, $9,157,861, $4,060,099, $269,249, $6,474,456, $19,151, $954,764, $361,457, $3,459,400, $5,612,845, $15,949,250, $13,153,761, $6,414,863, $4,285,377, $3,260,872, $2,137, $14,852, $256,800, $5,907,783, $492,411, $783,059, $4,855,102, $24,175,984, $4,067,207, $551,380, $889,789, $904,194, $606,548, $4,008,487, $675,116, $2,036,010, $887,858, $1,744,378, $1,169,335, $1,181,144, $20,672, $326,656, $14,575,272, $956,950, $855,338, $495,237, $243,191, $471,830, $1,097,436, $20,352, $176,515, $3,503,988, $113,418, $23,387,125, $15,642,570, $13,351,661, $6,076,360, $198,440, $459,308, $2,115,985, $267,492, $21,751, $4,386,730, $2,058,696, $319,883, $1,469,757, $740,767, $1,642,017, $443,777, $4,262,529, $223,169, $18,610,684, $11,988,961, $803,360, $404,903, $5,321,728, $3,337,643, $2,894,762, $5,785,439, $5,332,226, $388,609, $9,633,471, $942,786, $473,866, $4,976,500 and $1,610,611, respectively, totaling, $1,345,270,440.

(c)In the case of Private Equity Investments, geographic region generally refers to where the general partner is headquartered and may be different from where a Private Equity Investment invests or operates.

(d)Non-income producing security.

(e)The rate shown is the annualized 7-day yield as of September 30, 2024.

(f)For the identified investments, the Fund has committed capital but the investment has not been fully funded as of September 30, 2024.

(g)All or a portion of these assets are held by Pomona Investment Fund LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Fund, and are indirectly pledged as collateral in connection with the Fund’s revolving credit agreement. See Note 5 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


The information regarding the Private Equity Investments, as presented above, has not been prepared, reviewed or approved by any such Private Equity Fund or any general partner, manager or sponsor of such Private Equity Investments or any of their respective affiliates.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 9

Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


Private Equity Investments, at fair value (Cost, $1,345,270,440)  $1,529,192,901 
Short-Term Investments, at fair value (Cost, $431,891,138)   431,891,138 
Cash   45,727 
Cash held in foreign currency denominations (Cost, $9,216,422)   9,530,591 
Interest receivable   2,011,618 
Distributions from Private Equity Investment receivable   104,828 
Prepaid expenses   151,881 
Deferred offering fees   55,991 
Deferred financing costs   38,423 
Private Equity Investments paid in advance   21,814 
Other assets   121,973 
Total Assets   1,973,166,885 
Loan payable   96,206,400 
Payable for investments purchased, not yet settled   44,843,001 
Payable for shares repurchased   24,593,549 
Management fees payable   7,314,755 
Commitment and interest fee payable   1,833,855 
Administration fee payable   1,108,296 
Distribution and servicing fee payable   1,052,788 
Professional fees payable   453,860 
Sub-administration fee payable   1,834 
Other accounts payable and accrued expenses   285,951 
Total Liabilities   177,694,289 
Contingencies and commitments (see Notes 10 and 11)     
Net Assets  $1,795,472,596 
Net Assets     
Paid-in capital  $1,492,523,261 
Total distributable earnings   302,949,335 
Net Assets  $1,795,472,596 
Net Assets Attributable to:     
Class A Shares  $777,609,925 
Class I Shares   1,017,862,671 
Shares Outstanding:     
Class A Shares   50,097,205 
Class I Shares   61,796,276 
Net asset value per share:     
Class A Shares  $15.52 
Class I Shares  $16.47 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Statement of Operations


For the Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) 


Interest income  $16,342,361 
Dividend income   6,651,956 
Other income   600 
Total Income   22,994,917 
Management fees   14,363,941 
Commitment fees and interest expense   3,606,695 
Administration fee   2,176,354 
Distribution and servicing fee   2,033,500 
Professional fees   767,224 
Sub-Administration fees   734,700 
Offering fees   251,860 
Transfer agent fees   176,676 
Other expenses   574,684 
Total Expenses   24,685,634 
Net Investment Loss   (1,690,717)
Net Realized Gain and Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Private Equity Investments     
Net realized gain from Private Equity Investments   54,048,747 
Total net realized gain from Private Equity Investments   54,048,747 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on Private Equity Investments   9,607,449 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on foreign currency translation   (2,692,617)
Total net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on Private Equity Investments and foreign currency translation   6,914,832 
Net Realized Gain and Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) on Private Equity Investments and Foreign Currency   60,963,579 
Net Increase in Net Assets from operations  $59,272,862 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 11

Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Statements of
Changes in Net Assets



   For the Six     
   Months Ended   For the 
   September 30, 2024   Year Ended 
   (Unaudited)   March 31, 2024 
Net investment loss  $(1,690,717)  $(8,074,035)
Net realized gain from Private Equity Investments and foreign currency transactions   54,048,747    61,271,408 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) from Private Equity Investments and foreign currency translation   6,914,832    97,675,023 
Net increase in Net Assets from operations   59,272,862    150,872,396 
Distributions to Shareholders          
Capital gains:          
Class A Shares   -    (24,505,176)
Class M2 Shares   -(a)   (46,483)
Class I Shares   -    (25,018,796)
Decrease in Net Assets from distributions to Shareholders   -    (49,570,455)
Net Assets Transactions          
Class A Shares          
Proceeds from sale of shares   112,028,000    279,924,559 
Reinvestment of distributions   -    19,947,198 
Exchange of shares   (8,213,548)   (68,771,225)
Repurchase of shares   (10,403,509)   (53,604,800)
Total Class A Transactions   93,410,943    177,495,732 
Class M2 Shares          
Proceeds from sale of shares   -    - 
Reinvestment of distributions   -    18,406 
Exchange of shares   (1,233,807)(a)   - 
Repurchase of shares   -    - 
Total Class M2 Transactions   (1,233,807)   18,406 
Class I Shares          
Proceeds from sale of shares   140,864,492    250,330,087 
Reinvestment of distributions   -    17,881,597 
Exchange of shares   9,447,355    68,771,225 
Repurchase of shares   (36,856,024)   (22,308,301)
Total Class I Transactions   113,455,823    314,674,608 
Increase in Net Assets from capital transactions   205,632,959    492,188,746 
Net Assets          
Beginning of year   1,530,566,775    937,076,088 
End of period  $1,795,472,596   $1,530,566,775 


(a)For the period from April 1, 2024 to July 1, 2024 (Class M2 liquidation date).


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.




Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Statements of
Changes in Net Assets




   For the Six     
   Months Ended   For the 
   September 30, 2024   Year Ended 
   (Unaudited)   March 31, 2024 
Fund Share Transaction          
Shares sold   7,438,969    19,574,756 
Shares reinvested   -    1,405,187 
Shares exchanged   (546,189)   (4,844,613)
Shares redeemed   (677,090)   (3,639,234)
Net increase in Class A Shares outstanding   6,215,690    12,496,096 
Shares sold   -    - 
Shares reinvested   -    1,230 
Shares exchanged   (77,627)(a)   - 
Shares redeemed   -    - 
Net increase/(decrease) in Class M2 Shares outstanding   (77,627)   1,230 
Shares sold   8,833,278    16,627,406 
Shares reinvested   -    1,194,113 
Shares exchanged   593,636    4,592,464 
Shares redeemed   (2,272,949)   (1,432,363)
Net increase in Class I Shares outstanding   7,153,965    20,981,620 


(a)For the period from April 1, 2024 to July 1, 2024 (Class M2 liquidation date).


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 13

Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


For the Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


Cash Flows From Operating Activities:    
Net increase in Net Assets resulting from operations  $59,272,862 
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in Net Assets from operations to net cash used in operating activities:     
Purchase of Private Equity Investments   (209,921,679)
Capital distributions received from Private Equity Investments   108,530,336 
Net payments from purchases of short-term investments   (83,067,143)
Net realized gain from Private Equity Investments and foreign currency   (54,048,747)
Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on Private Equity Investments and foreign currency translation   (6,914,832)
Amortization of deferred offering fees   112,621 
Amortization of deferred financing costs   12,808 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:     
Decrease in interest receivable   235,199 
Increase in Distribution from Private Equity Investments receivable   (101,122)
Increase in prepaid expenses   (3,118)
Decrease in Private Equity Investments paid in advance   56,542 
Increase in other assets   (61,973)
Decrease in payable for Investments purchased, not yet settled   (25,670,924)
Increase in management fees payable   988,848 
Increase in commitment and interest fees payable   83,767 
Increase in administration fee payable   149,825 
Increase in distribution and servicing fee payable   134,362 
Increase in professional fees payable   34,940 
Decrease in sub-administration fee payable   (33,619)
Decrease in due to affiliate   (82,085)
Decrease in expense recoupment payable   (58,792)
Increase in other accounts payable and accrued expenses   40,354 
Net cash used in operating activities   (210,311,570)
Cash flows from financing activities:     
Proceeds from sale of shares   252,892,492 
Payments for shares repurchased   (44,846,506)
Payments for offering fees   (47,473)
Net cash provided by financing activities   207,998,513 
Net change in cash   (2,313,057)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   11,889,375 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  $9,576,318 
Supplemental disclosure of financing activity     
Cash paid for interest  $3,176,147 
Supplemental disclosure of cash and cash equivalents     
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year     
Cash   5,082,793 
Cash held in foreign currency   6,806,582 
Total cash and foreign currencies shown on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows  $11,889,375 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     
Cash   45,727 
Cash held in foreign currency   9,530,591 
Total cash and foreign currencies shown on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows  $9,576,318 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.





Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Financial Highlights


For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Periods Presented


   Class A Shares 

For the
Six Months

September 30,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,


Net asset value - beginning of period  $15.04   $14.03   $14.79   $13.34   $9.14   $10.2 
Net increase/(decrease) in Net Assets from investment operations:                              
Net investment loss(b)    (0.04)   (0.15)   (0.32)   (0.32)   (0.11)   (0.15)
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments   0.52    1.77    0.11    3.71    5.07    0.40 
Total income/(loss) from investment operations:   0.48    1.62    (0.21)   3.39    4.96    0.25 
Distributions from capital gains       (0.61)   (0.55)   (1.94)   (0.38)   (1.31)
Distributions from return of capital                   (0.38)    
Total distributions:        (0.61)   (0.55)   (1.94)   (0.76)   (1.31)
Net asset value per Share, end of period  $15.52   $15.04   $14.03   $14.79   $13.34   $9.14 
Total Return (c)    3.23%(h)    11.77%   (1.28%)   26.25%   56.54%   1.99%
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Net Assets, end of period (in thousands)  $777,610   $659,830   $440,313   $273,039   $169,545   $96,479 
Ratio of net investment loss to average Net Assets (d)(e)   (0.52%)(i)    (0.98%)   (2.30%)   (2.32%)   (1.09%)   (1.45%)
Ratio of gross expenses to average Net Assets(d)(e)    3.22%(i)    3.53%   3.61%   3.59%   3.80%   4.03%
Ratio of expense waiver to average Net Assets(g)    %(i)    0.00%   0.00%   0.00%(f)    (0.31%)   (0.48%)
Ratio of net expenses to average Net Assets(g)    3.22%(i)    3.53%   3.61%   3.59%   3.49%   3.55%
Portfolio turnover rate   %   %   %   1.23%   %   0.70%


(a) The Fund was audited by an independent registered public accounting firm other than Ernst & Young LLP.

(b) Based on average shares outstanding during the period.

(c) Total Return based on net asset value per share.

(d) The ratios do not include investment income or expenses of the Private Equity Investments in which the Fund invests.

(e) Represents the ratio of expenses to average Net Assets absent fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement by the Adviser.

(f) Amount is less than 0.005%.

(g) The Adviser has entered into an Expense Limitation and Reimbursement Agreement with the Fund for a one-year term ending at the end of the Limitation Period to limit the amount of the Fund's total annual ordinary operating expenses, excluding certain ''Specified Expenses'' as outlined in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. This amount includes expenses incurred by the Fund for recoupment to the Adviser for expenses previously waived. Had the Fund not incurred such expenses, the annualized ratio of net expenses to average net assets would have been 3.22% for the period ended September 30, 2024, and the annualized ratio of net expenses to average net assets would have been, 3.45%, 3.47%, 3.53%, 3,49%, and 3.55% for the years ended March 31, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020, respectively.

(h) Not Annualized

(i) Annualized


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 15



Pomona Investment Fund Consolidated Financial Highlights


For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Periods Presented


   Class I Shares 

For the
Six Months Ended
September 30,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,



For the
Year Ended
March 31,


Net asset value - beginning of period  $15.91   $14.72   $15.41   $13.76   $9.36   $10.36 
Net increase/(decrease) in Net Assets from investment operations:                              
Net investment loss(b)    0.00    (0.06)   (0.26)   (0.24)   (0.05)   (0.08)
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments   0.56    1.86    0.12    3.83    5.21    0.39 
Total income/(loss) from investment operations:   0.56    1.80    (0.14)   3.59    5.16    0.31 
Distributions from capital gains       (0.61)   (0.55)   (1.94)   (0.38)   (1.31)
Distributions from return of capital                   (0.38)    
Total distributions:        (0.61)   (0.55)   (1.94)   (0.76)   (1.31)
Net asset value per Share, end of period  $16.47   $15.91   $14.72   $15.41   $13.76   $9.36 
Total Return (c)    3.51%(h)    12.46%   (0.74%)   26.95%   57.38%   2.54%
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Net Assets, end of period (in thousands)  $1,017,863   $869,503   $495,638   $271,743   $151,548   $73,303 
Ratio of net investment loss to average Net Assets (d)    0.04%(i)    (0.34%)   (1.76%)   (1.86%)   (0.48%)   (1.10%)
Ratio of gross expenses to average Net Assets(d)(e)    2.69%(i)    2.98%   3.07%   3.05%   3.23%   3.62%
Ratio of expense waiver to average Net Assets(f)    %(i)    0.00%   0.00%   0.00%(g)    (0.31%)   (0.53%)
Ratio of net expenses to average Net Assets(f)    2.69%(i)    2.98%   3.07%   3.05%   2.92%   3.09%
Portfolio turnover rate   %   %   %   1.23%   %   0.70%


(a) The Fund was audited by an independent registered public accounting firm other than Ernst & Young LLP.

(b) Based on average shares outstanding during the period.

(c) Total Return based on net asset value per share.

(d) The ratios do not include investment income or expenses of the Private Equity Investments in which the Fund invests.

(e) Represents the ratio of expenses to average Net Assets absent fee waivers and/or expense reimbursement by the Adviser.

(f) The Adviser has entered into an Expense Limitation and Reimbursement Agreement with the Fund for a one-year term ending at the end of the Limitation Period to limit the amount of the Fund's total annual ordinary operating expenses, excluding certain ''Specified Expenses'' as outlined in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. This amount includes expenses incurred by the Fund for recoupment to the Adviser for expenses previously waived. Had the Fund not incurred such expenses, the annualized ratio of net expenses to average net assets would have been 2.69% for the period ended September 30, 2024, and the annualized ratio of net expenses to average net assets would have been, 2.96%, 2.93%, 2.99%, 2.92%, and 3.09% for the years ended March 31, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020, respectively.

(g) Amount is less than 0.005%.

(h) Not Annualized

(i) Annualized


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.

16 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com



Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)





Pomona Investment Fund (the “Fund”) was organized as a Delaware statutory trust on August 12, 2014 and commenced operations on May 7, 2015. The Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund is managed by Pomona Management LLC (the “Adviser” and the “Administrator”), an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing principally in private equity investments (“Private Equity Investments”). On August 3, 2017, in connection with the Fund’s revolving credit agreement, Pomona Investment Fund LLC was organized as a Delaware limited liability company and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Fund.


The Fund’s Private Equity Investments will predominantly consist of secondary and primary investments in private equity and other private asset funds (“Investment Funds”) and, to a lesser degree, direct investments in operating companies. Co-investments refer to direct investments in an operating company by the Fund alongside other investors, often one or more Investment Funds. Primary investments refer to investments in newly established private equity funds, typically sponsored by investment managers with an established investment track record. Seasoned primary investments, or seasoned primaries, refer to primary investments made after an Investment Fund has already invested a certain percentage of its capital commitments. Secondary investments refer to investments in existing Investment Funds that are typically acquired in privately negotiated transactions.


A board of trustees (the “Board”) has overall responsibility for the management and supervision of the business operations of the Fund. As permitted by applicable law, the Board may delegate any of its rights, powers and authority to, among others, the officers of the Fund, any committee of the Board, or the Adviser.


As of September 30, 2024, the Fund offered two classes of shares; Classes A and I shares. All shares are continuously offered on a quarterly basis. Effective July 1, 2024, the Fund no longer offers Class M2 Shares.


Class A Shares are offered at the then-current net asset value ("NAV") plus an initial sales charge, if applicable, with a general minimum initial investment of $25,000. Class A Shareholders pay a fee for distribution and shareholder servicing.


Class I Shares are offered to certain institutional investors, at the then-current NAV without an initial sales charge and with a general minimum initial investment of $25,000. Class I Shareholders do not pay a fee for distribution or shareholder servicing.


All share classes have the same rights and privileges, and have ownership in the same underlying investment portfolio.





The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). The Fund is considered an investment company and therefore applies the guidance of Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946, “Financial Services - Investment Companies”. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies used in preparing the consolidated financial statements.


Consolidation of a Subsidiary 

The consolidated financial statements of the Fund include Pomona Investment Fund LLC, a wholly owned-subsidiary of the Fund. All inter-company accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


As of September 30, 2024 the total value of Private Equity Investments held by the subsidiary is $1,371,281,057 or approximately 76% of the Fund’s net assets.



Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 17
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


Valuation of Investments 

The Fund follows the provisions of Fair Value Measurement set forth in ASC 820-10, “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures” (“ASC 820-10”). The Fund has formal valuation policies and procedures (the “Valuation Procedures”), which have been approved by the Board. The Adviser is designated as the Valuation Designee (the “Valuation Designee”) for the Fund pursuant to Rule 2a-5 under the 1940 Act. The Adviser’s fair valuation team is responsible for monitoring developments that may impact fair valued securities.


The Board receives valuation reports from the Valuation Designee quarterly, annually and promptly (as necessary in accordance with Rule 2a-5) and determines if the Valuation Procedures are operating as expected and the outcomes are reliable.


All investments are recorded at “Fair Value” in good faith. Fair value is based on actual or estimated market value, with special provisions for assets not having readily available market quotations, and for situations in which market quotations are deemed unreliable. The Private Equity Investments that the Fund makes normally do not have readily available market prices. Determining the fair value of Private Equity Investments and other assets requires that judgment be applied to the specific facts and circumstances of each asset while seeking to employ a valuation process that is consistently followed. There is not necessarily a single standard for determining fair value of such assets, and determinations of fair value may involve subjective judgments and estimates.


The fair values of the Fund’s Private Equity Investments are estimates and are determined by the Valuation Designee in accordance with the Valuation Procedures. If applicable, these estimates are net of management and performance incentive fees or allocations payable pursuant to the respective organizational documents of each Private Equity Investment. The Fund uses NAV as a practical expedient to determine the fair value of its investments in Private Equity Investments. Ordinarily, the fair value of a Private Equity Investment held by the Fund is based on the NAV of that Private Equity Investment reported by its investment manager. If the Valuation Designee determines that the most recent NAV reported by the investment manager of a Private Equity Investment does not represent the fair value or if the investment manager of a Private Equity Investment fails to report a NAV to the Fund, a fair value determination is made by the Valuation Designee in accordance with the Valuation Procedures. This may include adjusting the previous NAV provided by an investment manager with other relevant information available at the time the Fund values its portfolio, including capital activity and events occurring between the reference dates of the investment manager’s valuation and the relevant valuation date.


For investments that do not have readily determinable fair values and for which it is not possible to use NAV as a practical expedient, such as certain Direct Investments/Co-Investments, the Valuation Designee will review and value such investments using one or more of the following types of analyses:


Market comparable statistics and public trading multiples discounted for illiquidity, minority ownership and/or other factors for investments with similar characteristics.

Discounted cash flow analysis, including a terminal value or exit multiple.

The cost of the investment, if the cost is determined to best approximate the fair value of the investment.

Valuations implied by third-party investment in similar assets or issuers.



The Fund holds cash at UMB Bank N.A. (the “Custodian”) and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. At times, such deposits may be in excess of federally insured limits. The Fund has not experienced any losses in such accounts and does not believe it is exposed to any significant credit risk on such accounts. There are no restrictions on the cash held by the Fund.


Short-term Investments 

Short-term investments represent investments in money market instruments and money market mutual funds, and are recorded at NAV per share which approximates fair value. Money market instruments are high quality, short-term fixed-income obligations, which generally have remaining maturities of one year or less and may include U.S. Government securities, commercial paper, certificates of deposit and bankers acceptances issued by domestic branches of U.S. banks that are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and repurchase agreements. There are no restrictions on the short-term investments held by the Fund.


Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments, Interest Income, and Dividend Income 

The Fund accounts for realized gains and losses, interest income, and dividend income on distributions received from Private Equity Investments based on the nature of such distributions as determined by each underlying investment manager.



18 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


Other Income from Private Equity Investments 

The Fund accounts for other income on distributions received from Private Equity Investments based on the nature of such distributions as determined by the underlying investment fund managers. For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund earned other income of $600 which is reflected in Other income on the Consolidated Statement of Operations.


Income Recognition and Expenses 

Income is recognized on an accrual basis as earned. Expenses are recognized on an accrual basis as incurred. The Fund’s primary sources of income are investment income and gains recognized upon distributions from Private Equity Investments and unrealized appreciation/depreciation in the fair value of its Private Equity Investments. The Fund generally recognizes investment income and realized gains/losses based on the characterization of distributions provided by the underlying investment manager of the Private Equity Investment on the date received. Distributions occur at irregular intervals, and the exact timing of distributions from the Private Equity Investment has not been communicated to the Fund. It is estimated that distributions will occur over the life of the Private Equity Investments.


The Fund bears all expenses incurred in the course of its operations, including, but not limited to, the following: all costs and expenses related to portfolio transactions and positions for the Fund’s account; professional fees; costs of insurance; registration expenses; and expenses of meetings of the Board. Certain expenses of the Fund attributable to a particular share class will be allocated to the share class to which they are attributable.


Use of Estimates 

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires the Fund’s Administrator to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. Changes in the economic environment, financial markets, and any other factors or parameters used in determining these estimates could cause actual results to differ materially.


Foreign Currency 

Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based on the rate of exchange of such currencies against U.S. dollars on the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of investments and income and expenses are translated at the rate of exchange quoted on the respective date that such transactions are recorded. The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of investments held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss from investments in the Consolidated Statement of Operations.


Income and Expense Allocation 

The Fund allocates income and expenses to each class of shares based on net assets at the end of the prior quarter plus capital transactions effective as of the beginning of the current quarter. However, certain expenses are applicable to a specific share class in which case they are allocated 100% to that respective share class.





In accordance with ASC 820, the Fund discloses the fair value of its investments in a hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure the fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to valuations based on unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurement) and the lowest priority to valuations based upon unobservable inputs that are significant to the valuation (Level 3 measurement). The guidance establishes three levels of fair value as listed below.


Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical investments that the Fund has the ability to access at the measurement date


Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, including inputs in markets that are not considered to be active


Level 3 – Significant unobservable inputs


The notion of unobservable inputs is intended to allow for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability at the measurement date. Under Level 3, the owner of an asset must determine fair value based on its own assumptions about what market participants would take into account in determining the fair value of the asset, using the best information available.


The inputs or methodology for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.



Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 19
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


A financial instrument’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based upon the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement; however, the determination of what constitutes “observable” requires significant judgment by the Administrator. The Administrator considers observable data to be market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market. The Fund’s Private Equity Investments are generally restricted securities that are subject to substantial holding periods and restrictions on resale and are not traded in public markets. Accordingly, the Fund may not be able to resell such investments for extended periods, if at all.


The following table is a summary of information about the levels within the fair value hierarchy at which the Fund’s investments are measured as of September 30, 2024:


Investments in Securities at Value 


Level 1 - Unadjusted 

Quoted Prices 


Level 2 - Other Significant Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant 

Unobservable Inputs



Short-Term Investments  $431,891,138   $   $   $431,891,138 
Private Equity Investments  $   $   $5,023,000   $5,023,000 
TOTAL  $431,891,138   $   $5,023,000   $436,914,138 


As the Fund uses the NAV as a practical expedient to determine the fair value of certain Private Equity Investments, these investments have not been classified in the U.S. GAAP fair value hierarchy. As of September 30, 2024, $1,524,169,901 was fair valued utilizing NAV as a practical expedient.


During the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund had a transfer of assets into Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The transfer into Level 3 reflects that the Private Equity Investment no longer meets the criteria to be valued using NAV as a practical expedient. The Fund records all transfers at the beginning of each reporting period.


The following table summarizes Level 3 activity during the six months ended September 30, 2024.


Beginning Balance as of 

April 1, 2024 


Transfers In To 

Level 3 





Net Change in Unrealized 



Balance as of September 30, 


$   $8,486,000   $(1,512,125)  $2,813,762   $(1,950,875)  $5,023,000 


A listing of the Private Equity Investment types held by the Fund and the related attributes, as of September 30, 2024, are shown in the table below:


Investment Category  Investment Strategy  Fair Value  







Notice Period

(In Days)

  Redemption Restrictions Terms**
Direct Investments/Co-Investments  Investments in an operating company alongside other investors  $28,263,667   $3,084,014   None  N/A  Liquidity in the form of distributions from Private Equity Investments
Primary  Investments in newly established private equity funds  $70,524,635   $92,122,907   None  N/A  Liquidity in the form of distributions from Private Equity Investments
Seasoned Primary  Primary investments made after an Investment Fund has already invested a certain percentage of its capital commitment  $81,573,648   $38,160,517   None  N/A  Liquidity in the form of distributions from Private Equity Investments
Secondary  Investments in existing Private Equity Investments that are typically acquired in privately negotiated transactions  $1,348,830,951   $200,498,550   None  N/A  Liquidity in the form of distributions from Private Equity Investments


*The information summarized in the table above represents the general terms for the specified investment type. Individual Private Equity Investments may have terms that are more or less restrictive than those terms indicated for the investment type as a whole. In addition, most Private Equity Investments have the flexibility, as provided for in their constituent documents, to modify and waive such terms.

**Distributions from Private Equity Investments occur at irregular intervals, and the exact timing of distributions from Private Equity Investments cannot be determined. It is estimated that distributions will occur over the life of the Private Equity Investments.


The fair value relating to certain underlying investments of these Private Equity Investments, for which there is no readily available market, has been estimated by the respective Private Equity Investment’s manager and is based upon available information in the absence of readily ascertainable fair values and does not necessarily represent amounts that might ultimately be realized. Due to the inherent uncertainty of valuation, those estimated fair values may differ significantly from the values that would have been used had a readily available market for the investments existed. These differences could be material.



20 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)





The Adviser provides certain management and advisory services to the Fund, including allocating the Fund’s assets and monitoring each Private Equity Investment to determine whether its investment program is consistent with the Fund’s investment objective and whether its investment performance and other criteria are satisfactory. In consideration for these services, the Fund pays the Adviser a quarterly management fee of 0.4125% (1.65% on an annualized basis) of the Fund’s quarter-end NAV (before any repurchases of Shares) (the “Management Fee”). For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred a Management Fee of $14,363,941, of which $7,314,755 was payable as of September 30, 2024.


The Administrator performs certain administrative, accounting and other services for the Fund, including (i) providing and/or arranging and overseeing the provision of office space, adequate personnel, and communications and other facilities necessary for administration of the Fund, (ii) performing certain administrative functions to support the Fund and its service providers, (iii) supporting the Board and providing it with information, (iv) providing accounting and legal services in support of the Fund, (v) providing compliance testing services, (vi) analyzing the value of the Fund’s assets, and (vii) reviewing and arranging for payment of the Fund’s expenses and other support services. In consideration of these services, the Fund pays the Administrator a quarterly fee of 0.0625% (0.25% on an annualized basis) of the Fund’s quarter-end NAV (before any repurchase of Shares) (the “Administration Fee”). For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred an Administration Fee of $2,176,354, of which $1,108,296 was payable as of September 30, 2024.


The Adviser has entered into an expense limitation agreement (the “Expense Limitation and Reimbursement Agreement”) with the Fund that has been extended through March 31, 2025 (the “Limitation Period”) to limit the amount of the Fund’s aggregate quarterly ordinary operating expenses, excluding certain specified expenses listed below (“Specified Expenses”), borne by the Fund during the Limitation Period, to an amount not to exceed 0.50% on an annualized basis of the Fund’s quarter-end NAV (the “Expense Cap”). Specified Expenses include: (i) the Management Fee; (ii) all fees and expenses of Private Equity Investments and direct investments in which the Fund invests (including all acquired fund fees and expenses); (iii) transactional costs, including legal costs and brokerage commissions, associated with the acquisition and disposition of secondaries, primaries, direct investments, ETFs, and other investments; (iv) interest payments incurred on borrowing by the Fund; (v) fees and expenses incurred in connection with any credit facility, if any, obtained by the Fund; (vi) the administration fee; (vii) the distribution and servicing fee or shareholder servicing fee, as applicable; (viii) taxes; and (ix) extraordinary expenses (expenses resulting from events and transactions that are distinguished by their unusual nature and by the infrequency of their occurrence). To the extent that the Fund’s aggregate quarterly ordinary operating expenses, exclusive of the Specified Expenses for any quarter exceed the Expense Cap, the Adviser will waive its fees and/ or reimburse the Fund for expenses to the extent necessary to eliminate such excess. To the extent that the Adviser waives fees or reimburses expenses, it is permitted to recoup any amounts waived and expense amounts previously paid or borne by the Adviser, for a period not to exceed three years from the quarter in which such fees were waived or expenses were borne by the Adviser, even if such reimbursement occurs after the termination of the Limitation Period, provided that the Fund’s aggregate quarterly ordinary operating expenses for the quarter in which such reimbursement is sought, not including Specified Expenses, have fallen to a level below the Expense Cap that was in effect during the quarter in which the fees were waived or expenses were borne by the Adviser.



Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 21
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


Effective March 31, 2024, all eligible expenses have been recouped by the Adviser.


Voya Investments Distributor, LLC acts as the distributor of the Shares (the “Distributor”). The Distributor directly distributes Shares to investors and may also enter into selected dealer agreements with various brokers and dealers (“Selling Agents”) that have agreed to participate in the distribution of the Fund’s Shares. The Fund pays the Distributor a quarterly fee of 0.1375% (0.55% on an annualized basis) of the Fund’s NAV attributable to Class A shares as of each quarter-end, determined as of the last day of each quarter (before any repurchases of Shares) (the “Distribution and Servicing Fee”), for distribution and investor services provided to Class A shareholders. The Distribution and Servicing Fee is charged on an aggregate class-wide basis, and shareholders are expected to be subject to the Distribution and Servicing Fee as long as they hold their Class A Shares. The Distributor may, in its sole discretion, pay various Selling Agents some or all of the Distribution and Servicing Fee to compensate such Selling Agents for distribution and servicing support. The Distributor, Adviser, and Administrator are subsidiaries of Voya Financial, Inc. For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred a Distribution and Servicing Fee of $2,033,500, of which $1,052,788 is payable as of September 30, 2024.


Each member of the Board that is not an “interested person” (as defined in the 1940 Act) (an “Independent Trustee”) is paid an annual retainer of $45,000, a fee of $5,000 per year for serving on committees of the Board, and a fee per each regular quarterly meeting of the Board of $2,500, plus reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses. Additionally, the Audit Committee Chair is paid an annual fee of $5,000. For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred Trustee fees and expenses in the amount of $90,000 which is reflected in Other Expenses on the Consolidated Statement of Operations.


The Fund retained Kroll Associates, Inc. to provide compliance services to the Fund, including a Chief Compliance Officer. For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred Chief Compliance Officer fees and expenses in the amount of $55,403 which is reflected in Other Expenses on the Consolidated Statement of Operations.


The Fund will continuously incur offering fees so long as it is accepting new investors. These costs enable the Fund to be offered to investors. These offering fees are either (i) expensed by the Fund as incurred or (ii) treated as deferred charges and amortized over the subsequent 12-month period using the straight-line method if such amounts are greater than $10,000. For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred $251,860 of offering fees.


Certain shareholders of the Fund (“Affiliated Shareholders”) are affiliated with the Adviser. The aggregate value of the Affiliated Shareholders’ share of NAV at September 30, 2024 is $115,056,959.


Colmore, Inc. provides certain sub-administrative, sub-accounting, and administration services to the Fund based on the Fund's service agreement. For these services, the Fund pays a quarterly fee to Colmore based on ending quarterly net assets.


Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC serves as the Fund's transfer agent with respect to maintaining the registry of the Fund’s Shareholders and processing matters relating to subscriptions for, and repurchases of, Shares.



22 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)





Effective March 30, 2020, the Fund entered into a $40,000,000 revolving credit agreement with Barclays Bank PLC (the "Barclays Facility"). Effective June 3, 2021 and July 8, 2022, the Fund amended its agreement with Barclays Bank PLC to increase the size of the Barclays Facility to $80,000,000 and $175,000,000, respectively. Borrowings under the current Barclays Facility bear interest at Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”), Sterling Overnight Index Average (“SONIA”), or Euro Interbank Offer Rate (“EURIBOR”) plus 2.85% per annum, and has a commitment fee of 0.85% per annum on the daily unused portion. The Barclays Facility matures on March 28, 2026. The Fund entered into the Barclays Facility for working capital requirements, such as financing repurchases of shares, distributions to investors, and investments. As of September 30, 2024, the Fund had €86,400,000 (equivalent to $96,206,400) of outstanding borrowings on the Barclays Facility with a weighted average borrowing for the period of €86,400,000. For the six months ended September 30, 2024, the Fund incurred $358,633 in commitment fees and €2,973,485 (equivalent to $3,248,062) of interest expense on borrowings at a 6.66% weighted average interest rate.


Information about the Fund’s senior securities is shown in the following table:


Class and Period Ended 

Total Amount 

Outstanding Exclusive 

of Treasury Securities (1) 

Asset Coverage 

per $1,000 of 

Indebtedness (2) 

Involuntary Liquidating

Preference Per Unit (3)

Average Market Value Per Unit (4)
Barclays Facility        
September 30, 2024 $96,206,400 $19,918 N/A
March 31, 2024 $93,225,600 $17,418 N/A
March 31, 2023 $77,576,100 $13,079 N/A
March 31, 2022 $47,990,882 $12,376 N/A


(1)Total amount of each class of senior securities outstanding at principal value at the end of the period presented.


(2)The asset coverage ratio for a class of senior securities representing indebtedness is calculated as our consolidated total assets, less all liabilities and indebtedness not represented by senior securities, divided by total senior securities representing indebtedness.


(3)The amount to which such class of senior security would be entitled upon our involuntary liquidation in preference to any security junior to it. The “—” in this column indicates that the SEC expressly does not require this information to be disclosed for certain types of senior securities.


(4)Not applicable to senior securities outstanding as of period end.





The Fund accepts initial and additional purchases of Shares as of the first business day of each calendar quarter at the Fund’s then-current NAV per Share of each respective share class (determined as of the close of business on the last business day of the immediately preceding quarter). To provide a limited degree of liquidity to Shareholders, the Fund may from time to time offer to repurchase Shares pursuant to written tenders by shareholders. It is expected that the Adviser will normally recommend to the Board that the Fund conduct an offer to repurchase shares on a quarterly basis as of the end of each calendar quarter, so that each repurchase would occur as of each March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of every year, although the Adviser may not recommend, and the Board may not authorize, a repurchase offer for any quarter in which the Adviser believes that it would be detrimental to the Fund for liquidity or other reasons. It is also expected that the Adviser will recommend to the Board that any such tender offer (in the aggregate) would be for an amount that is not more than 5% of the Fund’s NAV. There can be no assurance that the Board will accept the Adviser’s recommendation.


An investor may be permitted to exchange Shares between classes of Shares of the Fund, provided that, among other things: (1) the investor's aggregate investment would have met the minimum initial investment requirements in the applicable Class at the time of purchase and continues to meet those requirements; (2) the Shares are otherwise available for offer and sale; and (3) the investment meets all other requirements for investing in the applicable class.



Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 23
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)





It is the Fund’s intention to meet the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), that are applicable to a regulated investment company (“RIC”). The Fund elected to be a RIC with the filing of its 2015 federal income tax return. The Fund intends to continue to operate so as to qualify to be taxed as a RIC under the Code and, as such, to not be subject to federal income tax on the portion of its taxable income and gains distributed to stockholders. To qualify for RIC tax treatment, among other requirements, the Fund is required to distribute at least 90% of its investment company taxable income, as defined by the Code. Accordingly, the Fund intends to distribute its taxable income and net realized gains, if any, to shareholders in accordance with timing requirements imposed by the Code. While the Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its taxable net investment income and capital gains, if any, in a manner necessary to minimize the imposition of a 4% excise tax, there can be no assurance that it will avoid any or all of the excise tax. In such event, the Fund will be liable only for the amount by which it does not meet the foregoing distribution requirements. The Fund has adopted October 31 as its tax year end. Accordingly, tax basis distributions made during the 12 months ended March 31, 2024, but after the Tax Year ended October 31, 2023, will be reflected in the notes to the Fund’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025. The Fund’s open tax years generally, the three prior taxable years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by U.S. federal, state and local tax authorities.


In accounting for income taxes, the Fund follows the guidance in FASB ASC Codification 740, as amended by ASU 2009-06, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes” (“ASC 740”). ASC 740 prescribes the minimum recognition threshold a tax position must meet in connection with accounting for uncertainties in income tax positions taken or expected to be taken by an entity before being measured and recognized in the consolidated financial statements. Management has concluded, there were no uncertain tax positions as of March 31, 2024 for federal income tax purposes or in, the Fund’s major state and local tax jurisdictions; Delaware, New York State, and New York City. Management evaluates the tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the Fund’s tax returns to determine whether the tax positions will “more-likely-than-not” be sustained upon examination by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold that would result in a tax benefit or expense to the Fund would be recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. The Fund has not recognized any tax liability for unrecognized tax benefits or expenses. The Fund recognizes interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. During the period ended September 30, 2024, the Fund did not incur any interest or penalties.


Because U.S. federal income tax regulations differ from U.S. GAAP, distributions in accordance with tax regulations may differ from net investment income and realized gains recognized for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the consolidated financial statements to reflect the applicable tax characterization. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain or loss are recognized at some time in the future. The tax basis components of distributable earnings differ from the amounts reflected in the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Net Assets due to temporary book/tax differences arising primarily from partnership investments. These amounts will be finalized before filing the Fund’s federal tax return.


At September 30, 2024, the federal tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) as of the period ended were as follows:


Cost of investments for tax purposes  $1,681,253,776 
Gross tax unrealized appreciation  $397,806,461 
Gross tax unrealized depreciation  $(117,976,198)
Net tax unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments  $279,830,263 


The difference between cost amounts for financial statement and federal income tax purposes is due primarily to timing differences related to the timing of the recognition of income, gains and losses from the underlying investments for tax purposes.


As of October 31, 2023, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:


Undistributed ordinary income  $  
Undistributed long-term capital gains   4,618,665 
Tax accumulated earnings   4,618,665 
Accumulated capital and other losses    
Unrealized appreciation   218,283,763 
Late year ordinary losses & other miscellaneous balances   (14,576,799)
Distributable net earnings  $208,325,629 


As of October 31, 2023, the Fund had no capital loss carryforwards



24 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)


As of October 31, 2023, the Fund had $14,754,306 of qualified late-year ordinary losses, which are deferred until the following tax year ended October 31, 2024. Net late-year losses incurred after December 31, and within the taxable year, are deemed to arise on the first day of the Fund’s next taxable year.


Income distributions and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. The tax character of distributions paid during the tax year ended October 31, 2023 and October 31, 2022 was as follows:


Distribution paid from:  2023   2022 
Ordinary income  $   $ 
Long-term capital gains   26,959,580    52,490,950 
Return of Capital        
Total distributions paid  $26,959,580   $52,490,950 







Pursuant to the dividend reinvestment plan established by the Fund (the “DRIP”), each Shareholder whose Shares are registered in its own name will automatically be a participant in the DRIP and have all income dividends and/or capital gains distributions automatically reinvested in additional Shares unless such Shareholder specifically elects to receive all income, dividends and/or capital gain distributions in cash. A Shareholder is free to change this election at any time. If, however, a Shareholder requests to change its election within 90 days prior to the record date for a distribution, the request will be effective only with respect to distributions after the 90 day period. A Shareholder whose Shares are registered in the name of a nominee must contact the nominee regarding its status under the DRIP, including whether such nominee will participate on such Shareholder’s behalf.


A Shareholder may elect to:


reinvest both dividends and capital gain distributions;

receive dividends in cash and reinvest capital gain distributions; or

receive both dividends and capital gain distributions in cash.


Generally, for U.S. federal, state and local income tax purposes, Shareholders receiving Shares pursuant to the DRIP will be treated as having received a taxable distribution equal to the amount payable to them in cash.


Shares will be issued pursuant to the DRIP at the net asset value determined on the next Valuation Date following the ex-dividend date (the last date of a dividend period on which an investor can purchase Shares and still be entitled to receive the dividend). There is no sales load or other charge for reinvestment. A request must be received by the Fund before the record date to be effective for that dividend or capital gain distribution. The Fund may terminate or amend the DRIP at any time. All expenses related to the DRIP will be borne by the Fund. The reinvestment of dividends and distributions pursuant to the DRIP will increase the Fund’s net assets on which the Management Fee and the Administration Fee are payable to the Adviser and the Administrator, respectively.





Total contributions to and purchases of Private Equity Investments (excluding short-term investments) for the six months ended September 30, 2024 amounted to $209,921,679. Total distribution proceeds from sale, redemption, or other disposition of Private Equity Investments (excluding short-term investments) for the six months ended September 30, 2024 amounted to $108,530,336.



Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 25
Pomona Investment Fund Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)





Under the Fund’s organizational documents, its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the Fund. In addition, in the ordinary course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts or agreements that contain indemnification or warranties. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. However, based on experience, the Fund expects the risk of loss to be remote.





As of September 30, 2024, the Fund had outstanding investment commitments to Private Equity Investments totaling $333,865,988.





Geopolitical concerns and other global events, including, without limitation, trade conflict, national and international political circumstances, armed conflict (including wars, terrorist acts or security operations), natural disasters, pandemics or other severe public health events and other significant events, may adversely affect the United States and/or other nations, financial markets and global economies and could affect the Fund’s ability to meet its investment objectives and other obligations. The potential for such events has created economic and political uncertainty in the past and may do so in the future. Such uncertainty may adversely affect the United States and/or other nations, financial markets and global economies and the Fund for the short or long-term in ways that cannot presently be predicted or predicted on an accurate basis. The outbreak of armed conflict in jurisdictions in which the Partnership invests or otherwise could have a negative impact on economic and market conditions and trigger a period of global economic slowdown. Similarly, a significant outbreak of infectious disease or any other serious public health concern, together with any resulting restrictions on travel or quarantines imposed, could have a negative impact on economic and market conditions and trigger a period of global economic slowdown. Such events have the potential to severely disrupt or suspend certain cross-border trade, supply chains and tourism and to create humanitarian crises and the economic impacts of such events could adversely affect the performance of the Fund’s investments and of the Fund’s overall performance and financial results.





Since October 1, 2024, there were subscriptions to the Fund in the amount of $27,590,914 for Class A and, $50,542,332 for Class I Shares. Through the date the consolidated financial statements were issued, there have not been any additional subscriptions to the Fund.


On October 17, 2024, the Fund paid down the full balance of the Credit Facility in the amount of €86,400,000 (equivalent to $93,579,840). Since October 17, 2024, no further activity occurred related to the Credit Facility.


The Fund has evaluated subsequent events through the date the consolidated financial statements were issued, and has determined that there were no other subsequent events that require disclosure in or adjustment to the consolidated financial statements.



26 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com
Pomona Investment Fund Additional Information


September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)





The Fund is required to file Form N-PX, with its complete proxy voting record for the twelve months ended June 30, no later than August 31. The Fund’s Form N-PX filing is available: (i) without charge, upon request, by calling the Fund at 1-844-2POMONA or (ii) by visiting the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.





The Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT Part F). The Fund’s Form N-PORT Part F are available, without charge and upon request, on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov or may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.



Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 27

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28 www.pomonainvestmentfund.com




Semi-Annual Report | September 30, 2024 29



(b)Not applicable.




Not applicable to semi-annual reports.




Not applicable to semi-annual reports.




Not applicable to semi-annual reports.




Not applicable.




(a)Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.


(b)Not applicable.







Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable to semi-annual reports.




Not applicable to semi-annual reports.




a)Not applicable to semi-annual reports.


b)Not applicable




Not applicable.




During the reporting period there were no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of trustees.






(a) The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of the report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).


(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR - 270.30a-3(d)) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




(a)(1)Not applicable to semi-annual reports.


(a)(2)Not applicable.


(a)(3)Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.


(b)Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


(registrant)  Pomona Investment Fund  
By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ Michael Granoff  
  Michael Granoff, President & Principal Executive Officer  
  (Principal Executive Officer)  
Date December 6, 2024  


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)*   /s/ Michael Granoff  
  Michael Granoff, President & Principal Executive Officer  
  (Principal Executive Officer)  
Date December 6, 2024  
By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Frances Janis  
  Frances Janis, Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer  
  (Principal Financial Officer)  
Date December 6, 2024  


*Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.





