Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - CAD ($)
$ in Millions
12 Months Ended
Oct. 31, 2024
Oct. 31, 2023
Cash flows from operating activities    
Net income $ 16,240 $ 14,612
Adjustments for non-cash items and others    
Provision for credit losses 3,232 2,468
Depreciation 1,364 1,275
Deferred income taxes (1,529) (1,018)
Amortization and impairment of other intangibles 1,617 1,579
Net changes in investments in joint ventures and associates 16 221
Losses (Gains) on investment securities (170) (193)
Losses (Gains) on disposition of business 29 (92)
Adjustments for net changes in operating assets and liabilities    
Insurance contract liabilities 3,205 800
Net change in accrued interest receivable and payable 1,674 2,838
Current income taxes 945 (1,008)
Derivative assets (4,797) 11,826
Derivative liabilities 17,593 (10,452)
Trading securities 8,886 (41,946)
Loans, net of securitizations (55,007) (34,688)
Assets purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowed (10,168) (22,346)
Obligations related to assets sold under repurchase agreements and securities loaned (35,581) 61,291
Obligations related to securities sold short 727 (1,860)
Deposits, net of securitizations 91,596 43,990
Brokers and dealers receivable and payable (304) (2,444)
Other (16,429) 1,226
Net cash from (used in) operating activities 23,139 26,079
Cash flows from investing activities    
Change in interest-bearing deposits with banks 5,066 18,743
Proceeds from sales and maturities of investment securities 182,335 156,466
Purchases of investment securities (193,307) (202,456)
Net acquisitions of premises and equipment and other intangibles (2,280) (2,730)
Net proceeds from (cash transferred for) dispositions 15 1,712
Cash used in acquisitions, net of cash acquired (12,716)  
Net cash from (used in) investing activities (20,887) (28,265)
Cash flows from financing activities    
Issuance of subordinated debentures 3,250 1,500
Repayment of subordinated debentures (1,500) (170)
Issue of common shares, net of issuance costs 159 65
Common shares purchased for cancellation (140)  
Issue of preferred shares and other equity instruments, net of issuance costs 2,702  
Redemption of preferred shares and other equity instruments (1,021)  
Sales of treasury shares and other equity instruments 6,717 4,174
Purchases of treasury shares and other equity instruments (6,527) (4,075)
Dividends paid on shares and distributions paid on other equity instruments (6,637) (5,549)
Dividends/distributions paid to non-controlling interests (6) (21)
Change in short-term borrowings of subsidiaries (4,507) (5,102)
Repayment of lease liabilities (636) (655)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities (8,146) (9,833)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and due from banks 628 1,611
Net change in cash and due from banks (5,266) (10,408)
Cash and due from banks at beginning of period [1] 61,989 72,397
Cash and due from banks at end of period [1] 56,723 61,989
Cash flows from operating activities include:    
Amount of interest paid 73,639 54,698
Amount of interest received 102,127 81,090
Amount of dividends received 3,502 3,362
Amount of income taxes paid $ 3,410 $ 4,964
[1] We are required to maintain balances due to regulatory requirements or contractual restrictions from central banks, other regulatory authorities, and other counterparties. The total balances were $2 billion as at October 31, 2024 (October 31, 2023 – $3 billion; October 31, 2022 – $2 billion).