The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete.
The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete.

Washington, D.C. 20549


OMB Number: 3235-0006
Expires: July 31, 2015
Estimated average burden
hours per response: 23.8

Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 12-31-2019
Check here if Amendment   Amendment Number:
This Amendment (Check only one.):   is a restatement.
  adds new holdings entries.
Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report:
Name: Berkshire Hathaway Inc
Address: 3555 Farnam Street
Omaha , NE68131
Form 13F File Number: 028-04545

The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form.

Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:
Name: Marc D. Hamburg
Title: Senior Vice President
Phone: 402-346-1400
Signature, Place, and Date of Signing:
Marc D. Hamburg Omaha , NE 02-14-2020
[Signature] [City, State] [Date]
Report Type (Check only one.):
  13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.)
  13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).)
X 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).)
Form 13F Summary Page
Report Summary:
Number of Other Included Managers: 14
Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 171
Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 242,050,717
List of Other Managers Reporting for this Manager:
[If there are no entries in this list, omit this section.]
Form 13F File Number Name
28-2226 Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Insurance Co.
28-5678 Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Co of Nebraska
28-14389 BH Finance LLC
28-554 Buffett Warren E
28-1517 Columbia Insurance Co
28-06102 Cypress Insurance Co
28-11217 Fechheimer Brothers Co
28-852 GEICO Corp
28-12941 Medical Protective Corp
28-1066 National Fire & Marine Insurance Co
28-718 National Indemnity Co
28-5006 National Liability & Fire Insurance Co
28-11222 Nebraska Furniture Mart
28-12947 U.S. Investment Corp

List of Other Included Managers:
Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report.
[If there are no entries in this list, state “NONE” and omit the column headings and list entries.]
No. Form 13F File Number Name
1 28-2226 Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Insurance Co.
2 28-5678 Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Co of Nebraska
3 28-14389 BH Finance LLC
4 28-554 Buffett Warren E
5 28-1517 Columbia Insurance Co
6 28-06102 Cypress Insurance Co
7 28-11217 Fechheimer Brothers Co
8 28-852 GEICO Corp
9 28-12941 Medical Protective Corp
10 28-1066 National Fire & Marine Insurance Co
11 28-718 National Indemnity Co
12 28-5006 National Liability & Fire Insurance Co
13 28-11222 Nebraska Furniture Mart
14 28-12947 U.S. Investment Corp


The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete.
The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete.

Washington, D.C. 20549


OMB Number: 3235-0006
Expires: July 31, 2015
Estimated average burden
hours per response: 23.8

AMAZON COM INC COM 023135106 782,560 423,500 SH DFND 4 423,500 0 0
AMAZON COM INC COM 023135106 210,284 113,800 SH DFND 4,8,11 113,800 0 0
AMERICAN AIRLS GROUP INC COM 02376R102 594,881 20,742,000 SH DFND 4 20,742,000 0 0
AMERICAN AIRLS GROUP INC COM 02376R102 624,019 21,758,000 SH DFND 4,8,11 21,758,000 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 243,022 1,952,142 SH DFND 4 1,952,142 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 2,144,390 17,225,400 SH DFND 4,5 17,225,400 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 104,551 839,832 SH DFND 4,7 839,832 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 256,088 2,057,100 SH DFND 4,8,11 2,057,100 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 995,252 7,994,634 SH DFND 4,10 7,994,634 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 14,956,463 120,141,879 SH DFND 4,11 120,141,879 0 0
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 174,250 1,399,713 SH DFND 4,13 1,399,713 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 50,801 173,000 SH DFND 4 173,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 281,904 960,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 960,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 1,780,987 6,065,000 SH DFND 2,4,11 6,065,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 5,043,382 17,174,807 SH DFND 4,5 17,174,807 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 199,976 681,000 SH DFND 4,6 681,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 4,518,025 15,385,747 SH DFND 4,8,11 15,385,747 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 892,109 3,038,000 SH DFND 4,5,9 3,038,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 3,511,467 11,958,000 SH DFND 4,10 11,958,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 55,234,981 188,098,012 SH DFND 4,11 188,098,012 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 199,095 678,000 SH DFND 4,12 678,000 0 0
APPLE INC COM 037833100 277,206 944,000 SH DFND 4,14 944,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 138,062 3,920,000 SH DFND 4 3,920,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 419,118 11,900,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 11,900,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 292,590 8,307,500 SH DFND 2,4,11 8,307,500 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 4,930,800 140,000,000 SH DFND 3,4,5 140,000,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 1,078,718 30,628,000 SH DFND 4,5 30,628,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 73,962 2,100,000 SH DFND 4,6 2,100,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 10,980,892 311,780,000 SH DFND 4,8,11 311,780,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 422,605 11,999,000 SH DFND 4,5,9 11,999,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 608,426 17,275,000 SH DFND 4,10 17,275,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 12,302,314 349,299,100 SH DFND 4,11 349,299,100 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 986,160 28,000,000 SH DFND 4,12 28,000,000 0 0
BANK AMER CORP COM 060505104 345,156 9,800,000 SH DFND 4,14 9,800,000 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 378,041 7,511,249 SH DFND 4 7,511,249 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 108,109 2,148,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 2,148,000 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 90,288 1,793,915 SH DFND 2,4,11 1,793,915 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 23,001 457,000 SH DFND 4,5 457,000 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 39,056 776,000 SH DFND 4,6 776,000 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 326,661 6,490,384 SH DFND 4,8,11 6,490,384 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 368,365 7,319,000 SH DFND 4,5,9 7,319,000 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 193,995 3,854,463 SH DFND 4,10 3,854,463 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 2,249,211 44,689,264 SH DFND 4,11 44,689,264 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 107,706 2,140,000 SH DFND 4,12 2,140,000 0 0
BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP COM 064058100 130,142 2,585,782 SH DFND 4,14 2,585,782 0 0
BIOGEN INC COM 09062X103 1,610 5,425 SH DFND 4 5,425 0 0
BIOGEN INC COM 09062X103 138,965 468,322 SH DFND 2,4,11 468,322 0 0
BIOGEN INC COM 09062X103 51,839 174,700 SH DFND 4,11 174,700 0 0
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS INC N CL A 16119P108 2,632,339 5,426,609 SH DFND 4,8,11 5,426,609 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 44,280 800,000 SH DFND 4 800,000 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 4,443,675 80,283,200 SH DFND 4,5 80,283,200 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 100,958 1,824,000 SH DFND 4,6 1,824,000 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 797,660 14,411,200 SH DFND 4,8,11 14,411,200 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 829,719 14,990,400 SH DFND 4,10 14,990,400 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 15,673,969 283,179,200 SH DFND 4,11 283,179,200 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 196,603 3,552,000 SH DFND 4,12 3,552,000 0 0
COCA COLA CO COM 191216100 53,136 960,000 SH DFND 4,13 960,000 0 0
COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW COM 22160K105 1,273,662 4,333,363 SH DFND 4,11 4,333,363 0 0
DAVITA HEALTHCARE PARTNERS I COM 23918K108 1,504,508 20,052,088 SH DFND 4 20,052,088 0 0
DAVITA HEALTHCARE PARTNERS I COM 23918K108 1,389,067 18,513,482 SH DFND 4,8,11 18,513,482 0 0
DELTA AIR LINES INC DEL COM NEW 247361702 408,958 6,993,123 SH DFND 4,8,11 6,993,123 0 0
DELTA AIR LINES INC DEL COM NEW 247361702 3,737,886 63,917,333 SH DFND 4,11 63,917,333 0 0
GENERAL MTRS CO COM 37045V100 987,980 26,994,000 SH DFND 4 26,994,000 0 0
GENERAL MTRS CO COM 37045V100 910,872 24,887,209 SH DFND 4,8,11 24,887,209 0 0
GENERAL MTRS CO COM 37045V100 307,526 8,402,338 SH DFND 4,10 8,402,338 0 0
GENERAL MTRS CO COM 37045V100 538,622 14,716,453 SH DFND 4,11 14,716,453 0 0
GLOBE LIFE INC COM 37959E102 18,365 174,489 SH DFND 2,4,11 174,489 0 0
GLOBE LIFE INC COM 37959E102 106,501 1,011,888 SH DFND 4,5 1,011,888 0 0
GLOBE LIFE INC COM 37959E102 151,489 1,439,325 SH DFND 4,10 1,439,325 0 0
GLOBE LIFE INC COM 37959E102 392,375 3,728,025 SH DFND 4,11 3,728,025 0 0
GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC COM 38141G104 1,006,166 4,375,968 SH DFND 4,8,11 4,375,968 0 0
GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC COM 38141G104 1,754,086 7,628,783 SH DFND 4,11 7,628,783 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 127,272 913,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 913,000 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 254,977 1,829,100 SH DFND 2,4,11 1,829,100 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 30,180 216,500 SH DFND 4,5 216,500 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 38,196 274,000 SH DFND 4,6 274,000 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 241,859 1,735,000 SH DFND 4,10 1,735,000 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 7,317,989 52,496,332 SH DFND 4,11 52,496,332 0 0
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO COM 46625H100 285,909 2,051,000 SH DFND 4,14 2,051,000 0 0
JOHNSON & JOHNSON COM 478160104 47,714 327,100 SH DFND 4 327,100 0 0
KRAFT HEINZ CO COM 500754106 10,462,647 325,634,818 SH DFND 4 325,634,818 0 0
KROGER CO COM 501044101 549,073 18,940,079 SH DFND 4,11 18,940,079 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM A SIRIUSXM 531229409 208,254 4,308,117 SH DFND 4 4,308,117 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM A SIRIUSXM 531229409 376,655 7,791,780 SH DFND 4,8,11 7,791,780 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM A SIRIUSXM 531229409 45,120 933,391 SH DFND 4,10 933,391 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM A SIRIUSXM 531229409 88,321 1,827,072 SH DFND 4,11 1,827,072 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM C SIRIUSXM 531229607 344,347 7,153,027 SH DFND 4 7,153,027 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM C SIRIUSXM 531229607 931,986 19,359,910 SH DFND 4,8,11 19,359,910 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM C SIRIUSXM 531229607 24,487 508,654 SH DFND 4,10 508,654 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DELAWARE COM C SIRIUSXM 531229607 195,901 4,069,394 SH DFND 4,11 4,069,394 0 0
M & T BK CORP COM 55261F104 92,684 546,000 SH DFND 4,8,11 546,000 0 0
M & T BK CORP COM 55261F104 27,974 164,795 SH DFND 4,10 164,795 0 0
M & T BK CORP COM 55261F104 792,944 4,671,245 SH DFND 4,11 4,671,245 0 0
MASTERCARD INC CL A 57636Q104 1,473,469 4,934,756 SH DFND 4,8,11 4,934,756 0 0
MONDELEZ INTL INC CL A 609207105 31,836 578,000 SH DFND 4 578,000 0 0
MOODYS CORP COM 615369105 2,842,730 11,973,928 SH DFND 4,8,11 11,973,928 0 0
MOODYS CORP COM 615369105 3,014,122 12,695,850 SH DFND 4,11 12,695,850 0 0
OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP COM 674599105 51,224 1,243,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 1,243,000 0 0
OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP COM 674599105 48,092 1,167,000 SH DFND 4,6 1,167,000 0 0
OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP COM 674599105 598,495 14,523,054 SH DFND 4,11 14,523,054 0 0
OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP COM 674599105 82,420 2,000,000 SH DFND 4,12 2,000,000 0 0
PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC COM 693475105 220,178 1,379,300 SH DFND 2,4,11 1,379,300 0 0
PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC COM 693475105 33,921 212,500 SH DFND 4,6 212,500 0 0
PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC COM 693475105 278,155 1,742,500 SH DFND 4,5,9 1,742,500 0 0
PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC COM 693475105 837,859 5,248,754 SH DFND 4,11 5,248,754 0 0
PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC COM 693475105 14,047 88,000 SH DFND 4,14 88,000 0 0
PHILLIPS 66 COM 718546104 25,339 227,436 SH DFND 4,11 227,436 0 0
PROCTER & GAMBLE CO COM 742718109 39,393 315,400 SH DFND 4 315,400 0 0
RH COM 74967X103 162,958 763,269 SH DFND 4 763,269 0 0
RH COM 74967X103 201,774 945,079 SH DFND 4,11 945,079 0 0
RESTAURANT BRANDS INTL INC COM 76131D103 538,106 8,438,225 SH DFND 4,11 8,438,225 0 0
SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR TR UNIT 78462F103 12,681 39,400 SH DFND 4 39,400 0 0
SIRIUS XM HLDGS INC COM 82968B103 657,141 91,907,788 SH DFND 4 91,907,788 0 0
SIRIUS XM HLDGS INC COM 82968B103 317,231 44,367,941 SH DFND 4,8,11 44,367,941 0 0
SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO COM 844741108 375,512 6,956,500 SH DFND 4 6,956,500 0 0
SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO COM 844741108 55,856 1,034,747 SH DFND 4,8,11 1,034,747 0 0
SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO COM 844741108 471 8,722 SH DFND 4,5,9 8,722 0 0
SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO COM 844741108 2,464,146 45,649,244 SH DFND 4,11 45,649,244 0 0
STORE CAP CORP COM 862121100 693,471 18,621,674 SH DFND 4,11 18,621,674 0 0
SUNCOR ENERGY INC NEW COM 867224107 352,862 10,758,000 SH DFND 4 10,758,000 0 0
SUNCOR ENERGY INC NEW COM 867224107 64,161 1,956,124 SH DFND 4,11 1,956,124 0 0
SUNCOR ENERGY INC NEW COM 867224107 75,601 2,304,907 SH DFND 4,12 2,304,907 0 0
SYNCHRONY FINL COM 87165B103 628,843 17,463,000 SH DFND 4 17,463,000 0 0
SYNCHRONY FINL COM 87165B103 120,273 3,340,000 SH DFND 4,8,11 3,340,000 0 0
TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDS LTD SPONSORED ADR 881624209 218,393 22,285,000 SH DFND 4 22,285,000 0 0
TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDS LTD SPONSORED ADR 881624209 26,554 2,709,585 SH DFND 4,8,11 2,709,585 0 0
TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDS LTD SPONSORED ADR 881624209 178,896 18,254,710 SH DFND 4,11 18,254,710 0 0
TRAVELERS COMPANIES INC COM 89417E109 42,780 312,379 SH DFND 4,11 312,379 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 34,997 590,275 SH DFND 4 590,275 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 228,267 3,850,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 3,850,000 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 286,993 4,840,500 SH DFND 2,4,11 4,840,500 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 1,441,180 24,307,300 SH DFND 4,5 24,307,300 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 69,666 1,175,000 SH DFND 4,6 1,175,000 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 751,756 12,679,300 SH DFND 4,8,11 12,679,300 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 249,303 4,204,800 SH DFND 4,5,9 4,204,800 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 224,650 3,789,000 SH DFND 4,10 3,789,000 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 4,463,259 75,278,443 SH DFND 4,11 75,278,443 0 0
US BANCORP DEL COM NEW 902973304 103,461 1,745,000 SH DFND 4,14 1,745,000 0 0
UNITED CONTL HLDGS INC COM 910047109 499,367 5,668,831 SH DFND 4,8,11 5,668,831 0 0
UNITED CONTL HLDGS INC COM 910047109 1,433,208 16,269,811 SH DFND 4,11 16,269,811 0 0
UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC CL B 911312106 6,953 59,400 SH DFND 4 59,400 0 0
VANGUARD INDEX FDS S&P 500 ETF SHS 922908363 12,719 43,000 SH DFND 4 43,000 0 0
VERISIGN INC COM 92343E102 972,507 5,047,264 SH DFND 4 5,047,264 0 0
VERISIGN INC COM 92343E102 1,523,228 7,905,481 SH DFND 4,8,11 7,905,481 0 0
VISA INC COM CL A 92826C839 60,748 323,300 SH DFND 4 323,300 0 0
VISA INC COM CL A 92826C839 1,923,938 10,239,160 SH DFND 4,8,11 10,239,160 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 96,840 1,800,000 SH DFND 4 1,800,000 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 24,210 450,000 SH DFND 1,2,4,11 450,000 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 285,328 5,303,500 SH DFND 2,4,11 5,303,500 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 366,532 6,812,857 SH DFND 3,4,5 6,812,857 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 3,025,554 56,237,071 SH DFND 4,5 56,237,071 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 44,116 820,000 SH DFND 4,6 820,000 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 91,460 1,700,000 SH DFND 4,7 1,700,000 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 1,378,523 25,623,100 SH DFND 4,8,11 25,623,100 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 460,905 8,567,000 SH DFND 4,5,9 8,567,000 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 2,398,051 44,573,430 SH DFND 4,10 44,573,430 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 8,873,139 164,928,240 SH DFND 4,11 164,928,240 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 149,994 2,788,000 SH DFND 4,12 2,788,000 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 86,603 1,609,720 SH DFND 4,13 1,609,720 0 0
WELLS FARGO & CO NEW COM 949746101 107,600 2,000,000 SH DFND 4,14 2,000,000 0 0
AXALTA COATING SYS LTD COM G0750C108 101,050 3,324,000 SH DFND 4 3,324,000 0 0
AXALTA COATING SYS LTD COM G0750C108 624,627 20,546,957 SH DFND 4,8,11 20,546,957 0 0
AXALTA COATING SYS LTD COM G0750C108 11,949 393,043 SH DFND 4,11 393,043 0 0
LIBERTY GLOBAL PLC SHS CL A G5480U104 190,538 8,379,000 SH DFND 4 8,379,000 0 0
LIBERTY GLOBAL PLC SHS CL A G5480U104 254,483 11,190,970 SH DFND 4,8,11 11,190,970 0 0
LIBERTY GLOBAL PLC SHS CL A G5480U104 5,026 221,030 SH DFND 4,11 221,030 0 0
LIBERTY GLOBAL PLC SHS CL C G5480U120 160,127 7,346,968 SH DFND 4,8,11 7,346,968 0 0
STONECO LTD COM CL A G85158106 565,112 14,166,748 SH DFND 4,11 14,166,748 0 0
LIBERTY LATIN AMERICA LTD COM CL A G9001E102 21,031 1,089,669 SH DFND 4 1,089,669 0 0
LIBERTY LATIN AMERICA LTD COM CL A G9001E102 31,366 1,625,185 SH DFND 4,8,11 1,625,185 0 0
LIBERTY LATIN AMERICA LTD COM CL C G9001E128 24,987 1,284,020 SH DFND 4,8,11 1,284,020 0 0